You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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#include "note.h"
#include <cmath>
Note::Note(microsec offset, microsec life_span_offset, Note::Arrow type) :
_start_handling_offset(_offset + life_span_offset),
_end_handling_offset(_offset - life_span_offset),
void Note::setPosition(coordinates position)
_position = position;
coordinates Note::position() const noexcept
return _position;
microsec Note::offset() const noexcept
return _offset;
NoteGrade Note::onTap(Arrow arrow_type, microsec tap_time_stamp) const
if (arrow_type != _type)
return {0, NoteGrade::Rating::WRONG};
microsec odds = std::abs(tap_time_stamp - _offset);
return calculatePrecision(odds);
NoteGrade Note::calculatePrecision(microsec odds) const
NoteGrade ret(0, NoteGrade::Rating::BAD);
if (odds < _precision_qualifier)
ret = {50, NoteGrade::Rating::GREAT};
return ret;
bool Note::isActive(microsec music_play_offset) const noexcept
return music_play_offset > _start_handling_offset
&& music_play_offset < _end_handling_offset;
void Note::setPrecisionQualifier(microsec qualifier)
_precision_qualifier = qualifier;
microsec Note::_precision_qualifier = 500000; // Default initialization as 0.5 second.