You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

95 lines
2.4 KiB

#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <limits>
template <typename T>
struct ListNode
T value;
std::shared_ptr<ListNode<T>> next;
template <typename T>
struct List
std::shared_ptr<ListNode<T>> head;
template <typename T>
struct GraphNode
T value;
List<std::shared_ptr<GraphNode<T>>> relations;
using T = char;
using GraphNodeT = std::shared_ptr<GraphNode<T>>;
using ListNodeT = ListNode<std::shared_ptr<GraphNode<T>>>;
bool step(const GraphNodeT& node, std::size_t counter, std::size_t& min, const GraphNodeT& goal)
if (!node)
return false;
std::cout << "Step: " << node->value << ";\n";
if (node == goal)
min = counter;
return true;
bool found = false;
if (counter < min)
auto iter_node = node->relations.head;
while (iter_node)
found = found || step(iter_node->value, counter + 1, min, goal);
iter_node = iter_node->next;
return found;
std::size_t findPath(const GraphNodeT& root, const GraphNodeT& goal)
if (!root || !goal)
return 0;
std::size_t min = std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max();
return step(root, 0, min, goal)
? min
: 0;
int main()
auto s = std::make_shared<GraphNode<T>>(GraphNode<T>{'s', {}});
auto e1 = std::make_shared<GraphNode<T>>(GraphNode<T>{'1', {}});
auto e2 = std::make_shared<GraphNode<T>>(GraphNode<T>{'2', {}});
auto e3 = std::make_shared<GraphNode<T>>(GraphNode<T>{'3', {}});
auto e4 = std::make_shared<GraphNode<T>>(GraphNode<T>{'4', {}});
auto f = std::make_shared<GraphNode<T>>(GraphNode<T>{'f', {}});
s->relations.head = std::make_shared<ListNodeT>();
s->relations.head->value = e1;
s->relations.head->next = std::make_shared<ListNodeT>();
s->relations.head->next->value = e2;
e1->relations.head = std::make_shared<ListNodeT>();
e1->relations.head->value = f;
e1->relations.head->next = std::make_shared<ListNodeT>();
e1->relations.head->next->value = e3;
e2->relations.head = std::make_shared<ListNodeT>();
e2->relations.head->value = e3;
e2->relations.head->next = std::make_shared<ListNodeT>();
e2->relations.head->next->value = e4;
e4->relations.head = std::make_shared<ListNodeT>();
e4->relations.head->value = f;
std::cout << "Min: " << findPath(s, f) << "\n\n\n\n";