package cli import ( "flag" "" "io/ioutil" "os" "testing" ) func TestTheCpCase(t *testing.T) { app := App("cp", "") app.Spec = "SRC... DST" src := app.Strings(StringsArg{Name: "SRC", Value: nil, Desc: ""}) dst := app.String(StringArg{Name: "DST", Value: "", Desc: ""}) ex := false app.Action = func() { ex = true } app.Run([]string{"cp", "x", "y", "z"}) require.Equal(t, []string{"x", "y"}, *src) require.Equal(t, "z", *dst) require.True(t, ex, "Exec wasn't called") } func TestImplicitSpec(t *testing.T) { app := App("test", "") x := app.Bool(BoolOpt{Name: "x", Value: false, Desc: ""}) y := app.String(StringOpt{Name: "y", Value: "", Desc: ""}) called := false app.Action = func() { called = true } app.ErrorHandling = flag.ContinueOnError err := app.Run([]string{"test", "-x", "-y", "hello"}) require.Nil(t, err) require.True(t, *x) require.Equal(t, "hello", *y) require.True(t, called, "Exec wasn't called") } func TestAppWithBoolOption(t *testing.T) { cases := []struct { args []string expectedOptValue bool }{ {[]string{"app"}, false}, {[]string{"app", "-o"}, true}, {[]string{"app", "-o=true"}, true}, {[]string{"app", "-o=false"}, false}, {[]string{"app", "--option"}, true}, {[]string{"app", "--option=true"}, true}, {[]string{"app", "--option=false"}, false}, } for _, cas := range cases { t.Logf("Testing %#v", cas.args) app := App("app", "") app.ErrorHandling = flag.ContinueOnError opt := app.BoolOpt("o option", false, "") ex := false app.Action = func() { ex = true require.Equal(t, cas.expectedOptValue, *opt) } err := app.Run(cas.args) require.NoError(t, err) require.True(t, ex, "Exec wasn't called") } } func TestAppWithStringOption(t *testing.T) { cases := []struct { args []string expectedOptValue string }{ {[]string{"app"}, "default"}, {[]string{"app", "-o", "user"}, "user"}, {[]string{"app", "-o=user"}, "user"}, {[]string{"app", "--option", "user"}, "user"}, {[]string{"app", "--option=user"}, "user"}, } for _, cas := range cases { t.Logf("Testing %#v", cas.args) app := App("app", "") app.ErrorHandling = flag.ContinueOnError opt := app.StringOpt("o option", "default", "") ex := false app.Action = func() { ex = true require.Equal(t, cas.expectedOptValue, *opt) } err := app.Run(cas.args) require.NoError(t, err) require.True(t, ex, "Exec wasn't called") } } func TestAppWithIntOption(t *testing.T) { cases := []struct { args []string expectedOptValue int }{ {[]string{"app"}, 3}, {[]string{"app", "-o", "16"}, 16}, {[]string{"app", "-o=16"}, 16}, {[]string{"app", "--option", "16"}, 16}, {[]string{"app", "--option=16"}, 16}, } for _, cas := range cases { t.Logf("Testing %#v", cas.args) app := App("app", "") app.ErrorHandling = flag.ContinueOnError opt := app.IntOpt("o option", 3, "") ex := false app.Action = func() { ex = true require.Equal(t, cas.expectedOptValue, *opt) } err := app.Run(cas.args) require.NoError(t, err) require.True(t, ex, "Exec wasn't called") } } func TestAppWithStringsOption(t *testing.T) { cases := []struct { args []string expectedOptValue []string }{ {[]string{"app"}, []string{"a", "b"}}, {[]string{"app", "-o", "x"}, []string{"x"}}, {[]string{"app", "-o", "x", "-o=y"}, []string{"x", "y"}}, {[]string{"app", "--option", "x"}, []string{"x"}}, {[]string{"app", "--option", "x", "--option=y"}, []string{"x", "y"}}, } for _, cas := range cases { t.Logf("Testing %#v", cas.args) app := App("app", "") app.ErrorHandling = flag.ContinueOnError opt := app.StringsOpt("o option", []string{"a", "b"}, "") ex := false app.Action = func() { ex = true require.Equal(t, cas.expectedOptValue, *opt) } err := app.Run(cas.args) require.NoError(t, err) require.True(t, ex, "Exec wasn't called") } } func TestAppWithIntsOption(t *testing.T) { cases := []struct { args []string expectedOptValue []int }{ {[]string{"app"}, []int{1, 2}}, {[]string{"app", "-o", "10"}, []int{10}}, {[]string{"app", "-o", "10", "-o=11"}, []int{10, 11}}, {[]string{"app", "--option", "10"}, []int{10}}, {[]string{"app", "--option", "10", "--option=11"}, []int{10, 11}}, } for _, cas := range cases { t.Logf("Testing %#v", cas.args) app := App("app", "") app.ErrorHandling = flag.ContinueOnError opt := app.IntsOpt("o option", []int{1, 2}, "") ex := false app.Action = func() { ex = true require.Equal(t, cas.expectedOptValue, *opt) } err := app.Run(cas.args) require.NoError(t, err) require.True(t, ex, "Exec wasn't called") } } func TestAppWithBoolArg(t *testing.T) { cases := []struct { args []string expectedOptValue bool }{ {[]string{"app"}, false}, {[]string{"app", "true"}, true}, {[]string{"app", "false"}, false}, } for _, cas := range cases { t.Logf("Testing %#v", cas.args) app := App("app", "") app.Spec = "[ARG]" app.ErrorHandling = flag.ContinueOnError opt := app.BoolArg("ARG", false, "") ex := false app.Action = func() { ex = true require.Equal(t, cas.expectedOptValue, *opt) } err := app.Run(cas.args) require.NoError(t, err) require.True(t, ex, "Exec wasn't called") } } func TestAppWithStringArg(t *testing.T) { cases := []struct { args []string expectedOptValue string }{ {[]string{"app"}, "default"}, {[]string{"app", "user"}, "user"}, } for _, cas := range cases { t.Logf("Testing %#v", cas.args) app := App("app", "") app.Spec = "[ARG]" app.ErrorHandling = flag.ContinueOnError opt := app.StringArg("ARG", "default", "") ex := false app.Action = func() { ex = true require.Equal(t, cas.expectedOptValue, *opt) } err := app.Run(cas.args) require.NoError(t, err) require.True(t, ex, "Exec wasn't called") } } func TestAppWithIntArg(t *testing.T) { cases := []struct { args []string expectedOptValue int }{ {[]string{"app"}, 3}, {[]string{"app", "16"}, 16}, } for _, cas := range cases { t.Logf("Testing %#v", cas.args) app := App("app", "") app.Spec = "[ARG]" app.ErrorHandling = flag.ContinueOnError opt := app.IntArg("ARG", 3, "") ex := false app.Action = func() { ex = true require.Equal(t, cas.expectedOptValue, *opt) } err := app.Run(cas.args) require.NoError(t, err) require.True(t, ex, "Exec wasn't called") } } func TestAppWithStringsArg(t *testing.T) { cases := []struct { args []string expectedOptValue []string }{ {[]string{"app"}, []string{"a", "b"}}, {[]string{"app", "x"}, []string{"x"}}, {[]string{"app", "x", "y"}, []string{"x", "y"}}, } for _, cas := range cases { t.Logf("Testing %#v", cas.args) app := App("app", "") app.Spec = "[ARG...]" app.ErrorHandling = flag.ContinueOnError opt := app.StringsArg("ARG", []string{"a", "b"}, "") ex := false app.Action = func() { ex = true require.Equal(t, cas.expectedOptValue, *opt) } err := app.Run(cas.args) require.NoError(t, err) require.True(t, ex, "Exec wasn't called") } } func TestAppWithIntsArg(t *testing.T) { cases := []struct { args []string expectedOptValue []int }{ {[]string{"app"}, []int{1, 2}}, {[]string{"app", "10"}, []int{10}}, {[]string{"app", "10", "11"}, []int{10, 11}}, } for _, cas := range cases { t.Logf("Testing %#v", cas.args) app := App("app", "") app.Spec = "[ARG...]" app.ErrorHandling = flag.ContinueOnError opt := app.IntsArg("ARG", []int{1, 2}, "") ex := false app.Action = func() { ex = true require.Equal(t, cas.expectedOptValue, *opt) } err := app.Run(cas.args) require.NoError(t, err) require.True(t, ex, "Exec wasn't called") } } func testHelpAndVersionWithOptionsEnd(flag string, t *testing.T) { t.Logf("Testing help/version with --: flag=%q", flag) defer suppressOutput()() exitCalled := false defer exitShouldBeCalledWith(t, 0, &exitCalled)() app := App("x", "") app.Version("v version", "1.0") app.Spec = "CMD" cmd := app.String(StringArg{Name: "CMD", Value: "", Desc: ""}) actionCalled := false app.Action = func() { actionCalled = true require.Equal(t, flag, *cmd) } app.Run([]string{"x", "--", flag}) require.True(t, actionCalled, "action should have been called") require.False(t, exitCalled, "exit should not have been called") } func TestHelpAndVersionWithOptionsEnd(t *testing.T) { for _, flag := range []string{"-h", "--help", "-v", "--version"} { testHelpAndVersionWithOptionsEnd(flag, t) } } var genGolden = flag.Bool("g", false, "Generate golden file(s)") func TestHelpMessage(t *testing.T) { var out, err string defer captureAndRestoreOutput(&out, &err)() exitCalled := false defer exitShouldBeCalledWith(t, 0, &exitCalled)() app := App("app", "App Desc") app.Spec = "[-bdsuikqs] BOOL1 [STR1] INT3..." // Options app.Bool(BoolOpt{Name: "b bool1 u uuu", Value: false, EnvVar: "BOOL1", Desc: "Bool Option 1"}) app.Bool(BoolOpt{Name: "bool2", Value: true, EnvVar: " ", Desc: "Bool Option 2"}) app.Bool(BoolOpt{Name: "d", Value: true, EnvVar: "BOOL3", Desc: "Bool Option 3", HideValue: true}) app.String(StringOpt{Name: "s str1", Value: "", EnvVar: "STR1", Desc: "String Option 1"}) app.String(StringOpt{Name: "str2", Value: "a value", Desc: "String Option 2"}) app.String(StringOpt{Name: "u", Value: "another value", EnvVar: "STR3", Desc: "String Option 3", HideValue: true}) app.Int(IntOpt{Name: "i int1", Value: 0, EnvVar: "INT1 ALIAS_INT1"}) app.Int(IntOpt{Name: "int2", Value: 1, EnvVar: "INT2", Desc: "Int Option 2"}) app.Int(IntOpt{Name: "k", Value: 1, EnvVar: "INT3", Desc: "Int Option 3", HideValue: true}) app.Strings(StringsOpt{Name: "x strs1", Value: nil, EnvVar: "STRS1", Desc: "Strings Option 1"}) app.Strings(StringsOpt{Name: "strs2", Value: []string{"value1", "value2"}, EnvVar: "STRS2", Desc: "Strings Option 2"}) app.Strings(StringsOpt{Name: "z", Value: []string{"another value"}, EnvVar: "STRS3", Desc: "Strings Option 3", HideValue: true}) app.Ints(IntsOpt{Name: "q ints1", Value: nil, EnvVar: "INTS1", Desc: "Ints Option 1"}) app.Ints(IntsOpt{Name: "ints2", Value: []int{1, 2, 3}, EnvVar: "INTS2", Desc: "Ints Option 2"}) app.Ints(IntsOpt{Name: "s", Value: []int{1}, EnvVar: "INTS3", Desc: "Ints Option 3", HideValue: true}) // Args app.Bool(BoolArg{Name: "BOOL1", Value: false, EnvVar: "BOOL1", Desc: "Bool Argument 1"}) app.Bool(BoolArg{Name: "BOOL2", Value: true, Desc: "Bool Argument 2"}) app.Bool(BoolArg{Name: "BOOL3", Value: true, EnvVar: "BOOL3", Desc: "Bool Argument 3", HideValue: true}) app.String(StringArg{Name: "STR1", Value: "", EnvVar: "STR1", Desc: "String Argument 1"}) app.String(StringArg{Name: "STR2", Value: "a value", EnvVar: "STR2", Desc: "String Argument 2"}) app.String(StringArg{Name: "STR3", Value: "another value", EnvVar: "STR3", Desc: "String Argument 3", HideValue: true}) app.Int(IntArg{Name: "INT1", Value: 0, EnvVar: "INT1", Desc: "Int Argument 1"}) app.Int(IntArg{Name: "INT2", Value: 1, EnvVar: "INT2", Desc: "Int Argument 2"}) app.Int(IntArg{Name: "INT3", Value: 1, EnvVar: "INT3", Desc: "Int Argument 3", HideValue: true}) app.Strings(StringsArg{Name: "STRS1", Value: nil, EnvVar: "STRS1", Desc: "Strings Argument 1"}) app.Strings(StringsArg{Name: "STRS2", Value: []string{"value1", "value2"}, EnvVar: "STRS2"}) app.Strings(StringsArg{Name: "STRS3", Value: []string{"another value"}, EnvVar: "STRS3", Desc: "Strings Argument 3", HideValue: true}) app.Ints(IntsArg{Name: "INTS1", Value: nil, EnvVar: "INTS1", Desc: "Ints Argument 1"}) app.Ints(IntsArg{Name: "INTS2", Value: []int{1, 2, 3}, EnvVar: "INTS2", Desc: "Ints Argument 2"}) app.Ints(IntsArg{Name: "INTS3", Value: []int{1}, EnvVar: "INTS3", Desc: "Ints Argument 3", HideValue: true}) app.Action = func() {} app.Command("command1", "command1 description", func(cmd *Cmd) {}) app.Command("command2", "command2 description", func(cmd *Cmd) {}) app.Command("command3", "command3 description", func(cmd *Cmd) {}) app.Run([]string{"app", "-h"}) if *genGolden { ioutil.WriteFile("testdata/help-output.txt.golden", []byte(err), 0644) } expected, e := ioutil.ReadFile("testdata/help-output.txt") require.NoError(t, e, "Failed to read the expected help output from testdata/help-output.txt") require.Equal(t, expected, []byte(err)) } func TestLongHelpMessage(t *testing.T) { var out, err string defer captureAndRestoreOutput(&out, &err)() exitCalled := false defer exitShouldBeCalledWith(t, 0, &exitCalled)() app := App("app", "App Desc") app.LongDesc = "Longer App Desc" app.Spec = "[-o] ARG" app.String(StringOpt{Name: "o opt", Value: "", Desc: "Option"}) app.String(StringArg{Name: "ARG", Value: "", Desc: "Argument"}) app.Action = func() {} app.Run([]string{"app", "-h"}) if *genGolden { ioutil.WriteFile("testdata/long-help-output.txt.golden", []byte(err), 0644) } expected, e := ioutil.ReadFile("testdata/long-help-output.txt") require.NoError(t, e, "Failed to read the expected help output from testdata/long-help-output.txt") require.Equal(t, expected, []byte(err)) } func TestVersionShortcut(t *testing.T) { defer suppressOutput()() exitCalled := false defer exitShouldBeCalledWith(t, 0, &exitCalled)() app := App("cp", "") app.Version("v version", "cp 1.2.3") actionCalled := false app.Action = func() { actionCalled = true } app.Run([]string{"cp", "--version"}) require.False(t, actionCalled, "action should not have been called") require.True(t, exitCalled, "exit should have been called") } func TestSubCommands(t *testing.T) { app := App("say", "") hi, bye := false, false app.Command("hi", "", func(cmd *Cmd) { cmd.Action = func() { hi = true } }) app.Command("byte", "", func(cmd *Cmd) { cmd.Action = func() { bye = true } }) app.Run([]string{"say", "hi"}) require.True(t, hi, "hi should have been called") require.False(t, bye, "byte should NOT have been called") } func TestContinueOnError(t *testing.T) { defer exitShouldNotCalled(t)() defer suppressOutput()() app := App("say", "") app.String(StringOpt{Name: "f", Value: "", Desc: ""}) app.Spec = "-f" app.ErrorHandling = flag.ContinueOnError called := false app.Action = func() { called = true } err := app.Run([]string{"say"}) require.NotNil(t, err) require.False(t, called, "Exec should NOT have been called") } func TestContinueOnErrorWithHelpAndVersion(t *testing.T) { defer exitShouldNotCalled(t)() defer suppressOutput()() app := App("say", "") app.Version("v", "1.0") app.String(StringOpt{Name: "f", Value: "", Desc: ""}) app.Spec = "-f" app.ErrorHandling = flag.ContinueOnError called := false app.Action = func() { called = true } { err := app.Run([]string{"say", "-h"}) require.Nil(t, err) require.False(t, called, "Exec should NOT have been called") } { err := app.Run([]string{"say", "-v"}) require.Nil(t, err) require.False(t, called, "Exec should NOT have been called") } } func TestExitOnError(t *testing.T) { defer suppressOutput()() exitCalled := false defer exitShouldBeCalledWith(t, 2, &exitCalled)() app := App("x", "") app.ErrorHandling = flag.ExitOnError app.Spec = "Y" app.String(StringArg{Name: "Y", Value: "", Desc: ""}) app.Run([]string{"x", "y", "z"}) require.True(t, exitCalled, "exit should have been called") } func TestExitOnErrorWithHelp(t *testing.T) { defer suppressOutput()() exitCalled := false defer exitShouldBeCalledWith(t, 0, &exitCalled)() app := App("x", "") app.Spec = "Y" app.ErrorHandling = flag.ExitOnError app.String(StringArg{Name: "Y", Value: "", Desc: ""}) app.Run([]string{"x", "-h"}) require.True(t, exitCalled, "exit should have been called") } func TestExitOnErrorWithVersion(t *testing.T) { defer suppressOutput()() exitCalled := false defer exitShouldBeCalledWith(t, 0, &exitCalled)() app := App("x", "") app.Version("v", "1.0") app.Spec = "Y" app.ErrorHandling = flag.ExitOnError app.String(StringArg{Name: "Y", Value: "", Desc: ""}) app.Run([]string{"x", "-v"}) require.True(t, exitCalled, "exit should have been called") } func TestPanicOnError(t *testing.T) { defer suppressOutput()() app := App("say", "") app.String(StringOpt{Name: "f", Value: "", Desc: ""}) app.Spec = "-f" app.ErrorHandling = flag.PanicOnError called := false app.Action = func() { called = true } defer func() { if r := recover(); r != nil { require.False(t, called, "Exec should NOT have been called") } else { } }() app.Run([]string{"say"}) t.Fatalf("wanted panic") } func TestOptSetByUser(t *testing.T) { cases := []struct { desc string config func(*Cli, *bool) args []string expected bool }{ // OPTS // String { desc: "String Opt, not set by user, default value", config: func(c *Cli, s *bool) { c.String(StringOpt{Name: "f", Value: "a", SetByUser: s}) }, args: []string{"test"}, expected: false, }, { desc: "String Opt, not set by user, env value", config: func(c *Cli, s *bool) { os.Setenv("MOW_VALUE", "value") c.String(StringOpt{Name: "f", EnvVar: "MOW_VALUE", SetByUser: s}) }, args: []string{"test"}, expected: false, }, { desc: "String Opt, set by user", config: func(c *Cli, s *bool) { c.String(StringOpt{Name: "f", Value: "a", SetByUser: s}) }, args: []string{"test", "-f=hello"}, expected: true, }, // Bool { desc: "Bool Opt, not set by user, default value", config: func(c *Cli, s *bool) { c.Bool(BoolOpt{Name: "f", Value: true, SetByUser: s}) }, args: []string{"test"}, expected: false, }, { desc: "Bool Opt, not set by user, env value", config: func(c *Cli, s *bool) { os.Setenv("MOW_VALUE", "true") c.Bool(BoolOpt{Name: "f", EnvVar: "MOW_VALUE", SetByUser: s}) }, args: []string{"test"}, expected: false, }, { desc: "Bool Opt, set by user", config: func(c *Cli, s *bool) { c.Bool(BoolOpt{Name: "f", SetByUser: s}) }, args: []string{"test", "-f"}, expected: true, }, // Int { desc: "Int Opt, not set by user, default value", config: func(c *Cli, s *bool) { c.Int(IntOpt{Name: "f", Value: 42, SetByUser: s}) }, args: []string{"test"}, expected: false, }, { desc: "Int Opt, not set by user, env value", config: func(c *Cli, s *bool) { os.Setenv("MOW_VALUE", "33") c.Int(IntOpt{Name: "f", EnvVar: "MOW_VALUE", SetByUser: s}) }, args: []string{"test"}, expected: false, }, { desc: "Int Opt, set by user", config: func(c *Cli, s *bool) { c.Int(IntOpt{Name: "f", SetByUser: s}) }, args: []string{"test", "-f=666"}, expected: true, }, // Ints { desc: "Ints Opt, not set by user, default value", config: func(c *Cli, s *bool) { c.Ints(IntsOpt{Name: "f", Value: []int{42}, SetByUser: s}) }, args: []string{"test"}, expected: false, }, { desc: "Ints Opt, not set by user, env value", config: func(c *Cli, s *bool) { os.Setenv("MOW_VALUE", "11,22,33") c.Ints(IntsOpt{Name: "f", EnvVar: "MOW_VALUE", SetByUser: s}) }, args: []string{"test"}, expected: false, }, { desc: "Ints Opt, set by user", config: func(c *Cli, s *bool) { c.Ints(IntsOpt{Name: "f", SetByUser: s}) }, args: []string{"test", "-f=666"}, expected: true, }, // Strings { desc: "Strings Opt, not set by user, default value", config: func(c *Cli, s *bool) { c.Strings(StringsOpt{Name: "f", Value: []string{"aaa"}, SetByUser: s}) }, args: []string{"test"}, expected: false, }, { desc: "Strings Opt, not set by user, env value", config: func(c *Cli, s *bool) { os.Setenv("MOW_VALUE", "a,b,c") c.Strings(StringsOpt{Name: "f", EnvVar: "MOW_VALUE", SetByUser: s}) }, args: []string{"test"}, expected: false, }, { desc: "Strings Opt, set by user", config: func(c *Cli, s *bool) { c.Strings(StringsOpt{Name: "f", SetByUser: s}) }, args: []string{"test", "-f=ccc"}, expected: true, }, } for _, cas := range cases { t.Log(cas.desc) setByUser := false app := App("test", "") cas.config(app, &setByUser) called := false app.Action = func() { called = true } app.Run(cas.args) require.True(t, called, "action should have been called") require.Equal(t, cas.expected, setByUser) } } func TestArgSetByUser(t *testing.T) { cases := []struct { desc string config func(*Cli, *bool) args []string expected bool }{ // ARGS // String { desc: "String Arg, not set by user, default value", config: func(c *Cli, s *bool) { c.Spec = "[ARG]" c.String(StringArg{Name: "ARG", Value: "a", SetByUser: s}) }, args: []string{"test"}, expected: false, }, { desc: "String Arg, not set by user, env value", config: func(c *Cli, s *bool) { c.Spec = "[ARG]" os.Setenv("MOW_VALUE", "value") c.String(StringArg{Name: "ARG", EnvVar: "MOW_VALUE", SetByUser: s}) }, args: []string{"test"}, expected: false, }, { desc: "String Arg, set by user", config: func(c *Cli, s *bool) { c.Spec = "[ARG]" c.String(StringArg{Name: "ARG", Value: "a", SetByUser: s}) }, args: []string{"test", "aaa"}, expected: true, }, // Bool { desc: "Bool Arg, not set by user, default value", config: func(c *Cli, s *bool) { c.Spec = "[ARG]" c.Bool(BoolArg{Name: "ARG", Value: true, SetByUser: s}) }, args: []string{"test"}, expected: false, }, { desc: "Bool Arg, not set by user, env value", config: func(c *Cli, s *bool) { c.Spec = "[ARG]" os.Setenv("MOW_VALUE", "true") c.Bool(BoolArg{Name: "ARG", EnvVar: "MOW_VALUE", SetByUser: s}) }, args: []string{"test"}, expected: false, }, { desc: "Bool Arg, set by user", config: func(c *Cli, s *bool) { c.Spec = "[ARG]" c.Bool(BoolArg{Name: "ARG", SetByUser: s}) }, args: []string{"test", "true"}, expected: true, }, // Int { desc: "Int Arg, not set by user, default value", config: func(c *Cli, s *bool) { c.Spec = "[ARG]" c.Int(IntArg{Name: "ARG", Value: 42, SetByUser: s}) }, args: []string{"test"}, expected: false, }, { desc: "Int Arg, not set by user, env value", config: func(c *Cli, s *bool) { c.Spec = "[ARG]" os.Setenv("MOW_VALUE", "33") c.Int(IntArg{Name: "ARG", EnvVar: "MOW_VALUE", SetByUser: s}) }, args: []string{"test"}, expected: false, }, { desc: "Int Arg, set by user", config: func(c *Cli, s *bool) { c.Spec = "[ARG]" c.Int(IntArg{Name: "ARG", SetByUser: s}) }, args: []string{"test", "666"}, expected: true, }, // Ints { desc: "Ints Arg, not set by user, default value", config: func(c *Cli, s *bool) { c.Spec = "[ARG...]" c.Ints(IntsArg{Name: "ARG", Value: []int{42}, SetByUser: s}) }, args: []string{"test"}, expected: false, }, { desc: "Ints Arg, not set by user, env value", config: func(c *Cli, s *bool) { c.Spec = "[ARG...]" os.Setenv("MOW_VALUE", "11,22,33") c.Ints(IntsArg{Name: "ARG", EnvVar: "MOW_VALUE", SetByUser: s}) }, args: []string{"test"}, expected: false, }, { desc: "Ints Arg, set by user", config: func(c *Cli, s *bool) { c.Spec = "[ARG...]" c.Ints(IntsArg{Name: "ARG", SetByUser: s}) }, args: []string{"test", "333", "666"}, expected: true, }, // Strings { desc: "Strings Arg, not set by user, default value", config: func(c *Cli, s *bool) { c.Spec = "[ARG...]" c.Strings(StringsArg{Name: "ARG", Value: []string{"aaa"}, SetByUser: s}) }, args: []string{"test"}, expected: false, }, { desc: "Strings Arg, not set by user, env value", config: func(c *Cli, s *bool) { c.Spec = "[ARG...]" os.Setenv("MOW_VALUE", "a,b,c") c.Strings(StringsArg{Name: "ARG", EnvVar: "MOW_VALUE", SetByUser: s}) }, args: []string{"test"}, expected: false, }, { desc: "Strings Arg, set by user", config: func(c *Cli, s *bool) { c.Spec = "[ARG...]" c.Strings(StringsArg{Name: "ARG", SetByUser: s}) }, args: []string{"test", "aaa", "ccc"}, expected: true, }, } for _, cas := range cases { t.Log(cas.desc) setByUser := false app := App("test", "") cas.config(app, &setByUser) called := false app.Action = func() { called = true } app.Run(cas.args) require.True(t, called, "action should have been called") require.Equal(t, cas.expected, setByUser) } } func TestCommandAliases(t *testing.T) { defer suppressOutput()() cases := []struct { args []string errorExpected bool }{ { args: []string{"say", "hello"}, errorExpected: false, }, { args: []string{"say", "hi"}, errorExpected: false, }, { args: []string{"say", "hello hi"}, errorExpected: true, }, { args: []string{"say", "hello", "hi"}, errorExpected: true, }, } for _, cas := range cases { app := App("say", "") app.ErrorHandling = flag.ContinueOnError called := false app.Command("hello hi", "", func(cmd *Cmd) { cmd.Action = func() { called = true } }) err := app.Run(cas.args) if cas.errorExpected { require.Error(t, err, "Run() should have returned with an error") require.False(t, called, "action should not have been called") } else { require.NoError(t, err, "Run() should have returned without an error") require.True(t, called, "action should have been called") } } } func TestSubcommandAliases(t *testing.T) { cases := []struct { args []string }{ { args: []string{"app", "foo", "bar", "baz"}, }, { args: []string{"app", "foo", "bar", "z"}, }, { args: []string{"app", "foo", "b", "baz"}, }, { args: []string{"app", "f", "bar", "baz"}, }, { args: []string{"app", "f", "b", "baz"}, }, { args: []string{"app", "f", "b", "z"}, }, { args: []string{"app", "foo", "b", "z"}, }, { args: []string{"app", "f", "bar", "z"}, }, } for _, cas := range cases { app := App("app", "") app.ErrorHandling = flag.ContinueOnError called := false app.Command("foo f", "", func(cmd *Cmd) { cmd.Command("bar b", "", func(cmd *Cmd) { cmd.Command("baz z", "", func(cmd *Cmd) { cmd.Action = func() { called = true } }) }) }) err := app.Run(cas.args) require.NoError(t, err, "Run() should have returned without an error") require.True(t, called, "action should have been called") } }