You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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package pomo
import (
type TaskRunner struct {
count int
taskID int
taskMessage string
nPomodoros int
origDuration time.Duration
state State
store *Store
started time.Time
pause chan bool
toggle chan bool
notifier Notifier
duration time.Duration
func NewMockedTaskRunner(task *Task, store *Store, notifier Notifier) (*TaskRunner, error) {
tr := &TaskRunner{
taskID: task.ID,
taskMessage: task.Message,
nPomodoros: task.NPomodoros,
origDuration: task.Duration,
store: store,
state: State(0),
pause: make(chan bool),
toggle: make(chan bool),
notifier: notifier,
duration: task.Duration,
return tr, nil
func NewTaskRunner(task *Task, config *Config) (*TaskRunner, error) {
store, err := NewStore(config.DBPath)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
tr := &TaskRunner{
taskID: task.ID,
taskMessage: task.Message,
nPomodoros: task.NPomodoros,
origDuration: task.Duration,
store: store,
state: State(0),
pause: make(chan bool),
toggle: make(chan bool),
notifier: NewXnotifier(config.IconPath),
duration: task.Duration,
return tr, nil
func (t *TaskRunner) Start() {
func (t *TaskRunner) TimeRemaining() time.Duration {
return (t.duration - time.Since(t.started)).Truncate(time.Second)
func (t *TaskRunner) SetState(state State) {
t.state = state
func (t *TaskRunner) run() error {
for t.count < t.nPomodoros {
// Create a new pomodoro where we
// track the start / end time of
// of this session.
pomodoro := &Pomodoro{}
// Start this pomodoro
pomodoro.Start = time.Now()
// Set state to RUNNIN
// Create a new timer
timer := time.NewTimer(t.duration)
// Record our started time
t.started = pomodoro.Start
select {
case <-timer.C:
case <-t.toggle:
// Catch any toggles when we
// are not expecting them
goto loop
case <-t.pause:
// Record the remaining time of the current pomodoro
remaining := t.TimeRemaining()
// Change state to PAUSED
// Wait for the user to press [p]
// Resume the timer with previous
// remaining time
// Change duration
t.started = time.Now()
t.duration = remaining
// Restore state to RUNNING
goto loop
pomodoro.End = time.Now()
err := *sql.Tx) error {
return, t.taskID, *pomodoro)
if err != nil {
return err
// All pomodoros completed
if t.count == t.nPomodoros {
t.notifier.Notify("Pomo", "It is time to take a break!")
// Reset the duration incase it
// was paused.
t.duration = t.origDuration
// User concludes the break
t.notifier.Notify("Pomo", "Pomo session has completed!")
return nil
func (t *TaskRunner) Toggle() {
t.toggle <- true
func (t *TaskRunner) Pause() {
t.pause <- true
func (t *TaskRunner) Status() *Status {
return &Status{
State: t.state,
Count: t.count,
NPomodoros: t.nPomodoros,
Remaining: t.TimeRemaining(),