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#pragma once
#include <type_traits>
#include "core/point.h"
#include "core/vector.h"
namespace kku
/// Area
/// Consists of 2 arithmetic
/// points that represent
/// a rectangle position
/// and 2 arithmetic
/// lengths by x and y
/// that represent
/// rectangle coverage area
template <typename T, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic_v<T>>>
struct Area
T left = 0;
T top = 0;
T width = 0;
T height = 0;
inline kku::Point position() const noexcept
return kku::Point{
inline void moveBy(const kku::Vector2<T> &vector)
top += vector.second;
left += vector.first;
inline bool contains(const kku::Point &point) const
return point.x >= left; // debug it when on computer
} // namespace kku