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24 lines
693 B

with import <nixpkgs> { };
with stdenv.lib;
list = [2 "4" true true {a = 27;} 2];
f = x: isString x;
s = "foobar";
#replace all X, everything should evaluate to true
ex00 = isList list;
ex01 = elemAt list 2 == true;
ex02 = length list == 6;
ex03 = last list == 2;
ex04 = filter f list == [ "4" ];
ex05 = head list == 2;
ex06 = tail list == [ "4" true true {a = 27;} 2 ];
ex07 = remove true list == [ 2 "4" {a = 27;} 2 ];
ex08 = toList s == [ "foobar" ];
ex09 = take 3 list == [ 2 "4" true ];
ex10 = drop 4 list == [ {a = 27;} 2 ];
ex11 = unique list == [ 2 "4" true {a = 27;} ];
ex12 = list ++ ["x" "y"] == [ 2 "4" true true {a = 27;} 2 "x" "y" ];