You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

83 lines
2.5 KiB

2 years ago
import requests
import sys
import os.path as op
from mastodon import Mastodon
# --------------------------------------------------
def main():
mastodon = Mastodon(
access_token = 'token.dat',
api_base_url = ''
with open('tags.dat', 'r') as dat:
tags = dat.readlines()
URL = ""
LIMIT = 10
SAFETY = 's'
TAGS_POST = tags[0].strip()
TAGS_FORBID = tags[1].strip().split()
TAGS_SENSITIVE = tags[2].strip().split()
PARAMS = { 'tags': TAGS_POST,
'limit': LIMIT,
'random': True }
print('[start] Settings:')
print('LIMIT = ' + str(LIMIT) + ' | MIN_SCORE = ' + str(MIN_SCORE) + ' | SAFETY = ' + SAFETY)
print('TAGS_POST=' + str(TAGS_POST))
print('TAGS_FORBID=' + str(TAGS_FORBID))
print('TAGS_SENSITIVE=' + str(TAGS_SENSITIVE) + '\n')
# --------------------------------------------------
counter = 1
b_search = True
while b_search:
r = requests.get(url = URL, params = PARAMS)
print('[get] Attempt N' + str(counter) + '.')
data = r.json()
for i in range(0, LIMIT):
fileurl = data[i]['file_url']
print('url ', fileurl)
fileid = data[i]['id']
print('id ', fileid)
filescore = data[i]['fav_count']
print('score ', filescore)
filesafe = data[i]['rating']
print('rating ', filesafe)
filetagstring = data[i]['tag_string']
print('tags ', filetagstring)
pulledtags = filetagstring.split()
if (filesafe == SAFETY and filescore >= MIN_SCORE
and not set(pulledtags).intersection(TAGS_FORBID)):
print('[success] Found!')
b_search = False
# --------------------------------------------------
fformat = op.splitext(fileurl)[1][1:]
if (fformat == 'jpg'):
fformat = 'jpeg'
media = mastodon.media_post(requests.get(fileurl).content, f'image/{fformat}')
toot = f'This is just a test post nevermind thisjksajskkj....{fileid}'
b_sensetive = bool(set(pulledtags).intersection(TAGS_SENSITIVE))
if (b_sensetive):
print('[success] Marked as sensitive.')
mastodon.status_post(toot, media_ids=[media], visibility='unlisted', sensitive=b_sensetive)
print('[success] Posted!\n----------------------------------\n')
if __name__ == '__main__':