Some quests I've made as a kid in highschool

Updated 2 years ago

Some random bash scripts I've randomly written and want to save for future references

Updated 1 year ago

Playing around with SFML (again)

Updated 2 years ago

Updated 2 years ago

Updated 2 years ago

Data Macau

Updated 5 months ago

Some random docker configs I've randomly written and want to save for future references

Updated 2 years ago

A test implementation of plugless enigma machine on arduino.

Updated 2 years ago

Funkwhale CLI tool

Updated 1 year ago

Updated 2 years ago

Updated 4 weeks ago

Posts cute maids from various resources!

Updated 2 years ago

A silly markov chain bot

Updated 1 year ago

Updated 2 years ago

Posts music from local storage with optional attachments

Updated 2 years ago