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4 years ago
#include "level.h"
#include <fstream>
#include <cstring>
void Level::prepareCellInstances()
default_cells[PASSABLE_CELL] = new PassableCell();
default_cells[WATER_CELL] = new WaterCell();
default_cells[WALL_CELL] = new WallCell();
default_cells[CHARGE_CELL] = new ChargeCell();
default_cells[EXIT_CELL] = new ExitCell();
default_cells[TELEPORT_CELL] = new TeleportCell();
default_cells[TRIGGER_CELL] = new TriggerCell();
void Level::readMap(std::ifstream &file)
int i;
for (coordinate j = 0; j < map.size(); ++j)
for (coordinate k = 0; k < map[j].size(); ++k)
file >> i;
map[j][k] = default_cells[i]->getDefaultInstance();
map[j][k]->setPosition(j, k);
Level::Level(const std::string &map_file)
std::ifstream file;;
std::string cur_line;
while (getline(file, cur_line))
// need fix; see
if (, 4, "size") == 0)
file >> level_rows >> level_cols;
for (Row &row : map)
else if (, 3, "map") == 0)
else if (, 8, "teleport") == 0)
coordinate src_row, src_col;
coordinate dest_row, dest_col;
file >> src_row >> src_col >> dest_row >> dest_col;
// reinterpret_cast<TeleportCell *>(map[src_row][src_col])->setDestination(dest_row, dest_col);
for (Cell *cell : default_cells)
delete cell;
for (Row &row : map)
for (Cell *cell : row)
delete cell;
size_t Level::rows() const
return level_rows;
size_t Level::cols() const
return level_cols;
void Level::placeBridge(coordinate row, coordinate col)
Cell *buf = map[row][col];
map[row][col] = new PassableCell(row, col, sf::Color::Black);
delete buf;
void Level::removeCharge(coordinate row, coordinate col)
Cell *buf = map[row][col];
map[row][col] = new PassableCell(row, col, color_ground);
delete buf;
4 years ago
Map& Level::mapArray()
return map;
sf::Color Level::defaultGroundColor()
return color_ground;
void Level::setDefaultGroundColor(const sf::Color &color)
color_ground = color;